Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Post #1, scary! Like my sister-in-law (Shana), who recently started her own blog, I am a little nervous about putting myself out there for an “audience.” Not to mention, she is an English teacher, so I’m feeling a little pressure since I know her writing skills are top notch and we may share some audience members! 🙂 Anyway, “Thank you Shana for the encouragement to get over the hump of my blog fearing phobia!”

Please visit the “About Me” page if you’re interested in, well, learning about me! Otherwise, stick around these parts to read about the more fun and interesting things like crafting, decorating, organization, scrap-booking, fashion, and ALL THINGS PRETTY (and decorated).

I post on Facebook, pretty much daily, all the projects and ideas that cross my path. But let’s be honest, the whole Facebook world probably doesn’t share my interest or passion nor does it archive my work in neat little categories for me to reference in the future. So I decided it was time to tuck my daily thoughts and ideas in their own special place because they deserve at least that!

One thought on “Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

  1. Chris says:

    Great job baby! Good luck and hope you have great success with your blog!!

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